Can't start server


I don’t know if I’m just being stupid, but I’m having a hard time getting Caddy to start up on my Windows 10 laptop. I’ve modified the path, and I can run things like “caddy -version” but it doesn’t seem to be able to find index.html. All I seem to be able to get is “The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.”:

PS C:\Users\fdavidso2\web_projects\firstelement>
PS C:\Users\fdavidso2\web_projects\firstelement> ls

Directory: C:\Users\fdavidso2\web_projects\firstelement

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

d----- 1/27/2017 3:00 PM .vscode
d----- 1/27/2017 1:32 PM bower_components
d----- 1/27/2017 1:32 PM demo
d----- 1/27/2017 2:21 PM elements
d----- 1/27/2017 1:32 PM test
-a---- 1/27/2017 1:32 PM 411 bower.json
-a---- 1/27/2017 2:53 PM 384 index.html
-a---- 1/27/2017 1:32 PM 865

PS C:\Users\fdavidso2\web_projects\firstelement> caddy
2017/01/27 16:11:13 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
PS C:\Users\fdavidso2\web_projects\firstelement> caddy -root ‘C:\Users\fdavidso2\web_projects\firstelement’
2017/01/27 16:11:19 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
PS C:\Users\fdavidso2\web_projects\firstelement>

Any help would be appreciated!


Huh… Just grabbed caddy 0.9.5 exe from the website, put it in my path, and have the same issue on my Windows 10 install.

Works fine in the Linux subsystem shell, and -v, -help, etc work in command prompt/powershell.

Workaround: Specify a Caddyfilfe (-conf C:\path\to\Caddyfile) with a valid root.


Can you log this as a issue on github. In the meantime as @Whitestrake says you can use a caddyfile as a workarounnd.


Will do!


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