1. The problem I’m having:
Caddy is unable to complete the automatic lets-encrypt certification. In the error log it also says that :80 and :443 are already in use, but I checked and they are NOT. Futhermore, both are allowed in the firewall correctly.
2. Error messages and/or full log output:
$ /usr/bin/caddy run --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
2024/08/30 20:50:52.987 INFO using config from file {"file": "/etc/caddy/Caddyfile"}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.991 INFO adapted config to JSON {"adapter": "caddyfile"}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.994 INFO admin admin endpoint started {"address": "localhost:2019", "enforce_origin": false, "origins": ["//localhost:2019", "//[::1]:2019", "//"]}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.995 INFO http.auto_https server is listening only on the HTTPS port but has no TLS connection policies; adding one to enable TLS {"server_name": "srv0", "https_port": 443}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.995 INFO tls.cache.maintenance started background certificate maintenance {"cache": "0xc00066a380"}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.995 INFO http.auto_https enabling automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects {"server_name": "srv0"}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.996 INFO http enabling HTTP/3 listener {"addr": ":443"}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.996 INFO http.log server running {"name": "srv0", "protocols": ["h1", "h2", "h3"]}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.996 INFO http.log server running {"name": "remaining_auto_https_redirects", "protocols": ["h1", "h2", "h3"]}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.997 INFO autosaved config (load with --resume flag) {"file": "/root/.config/caddy/autosave.json"}
2024/08/30 20:50:52.997 INFO serving initial configuration
2024/08/30 20:50:52.997 INFO tls.obtain acquiring lock {"identifier": "foo.bar.org"}
2024/08/30 20:50:53.005 INFO tls storage cleaning happened too recently; skipping for now {"storage": "FileStorage:/root/.local/share/caddy", "try_again": "2024/08/31 20:50:53.005", "try_again_in": 86399.999998845}
2024/08/30 20:50:53.005 INFO tls finished cleaning storage units
2024/08/30 20:50:53.006 INFO tls.obtain lock acquired {"identifier": "foo.bar.org"}
2024/08/30 20:50:53.006 INFO tls.obtain obtaining certificate {"identifier": "foo.bar.org"}
2024/08/30 20:50:54.199 INFO tls.issuance.acme waiting on internal rate limiter {"identifiers": ["foo.bar.org"], "ca": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory", "account": "email@eggs.com"}
2024/08/30 20:50:54.199 INFO tls.issuance.acme done waiting on internal rate limiter {"identifiers": ["foo.bar.org"], "ca": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory", "account": "email@eggs.com"}
2024/08/30 20:50:54.199 INFO tls.issuance.acme using ACME account {"account_id": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/acct/redacted", "account_contact": ["mailto:email@eggs.com"]}
2024/08/30 20:50:54.814 INFO tls.issuance.acme.acme_client trying to solve challenge {"identifier": "foo.bar.org", "challenge_type": "tls-alpn-01", "ca": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"}
2024/08/30 20:50:54.816 INFO [WARNING] listen tcp :443: bind: address already in use - be sure to set the ACMEIssuer.ListenHost field; assuming conflicting listener is correctly configured and continuing
2024/08/30 20:51:05.533 ERROR tls.issuance.acme.acme_client challenge failed {"identifier": "foo.bar.org", "challenge_type": "tls-alpn-01", "problem": {"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", "title": "", "detail": "red.act.ed.ip: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)", "instance": "", "subproblems": []}}
2024/08/30 20:51:05.541 ERROR tls.issuance.acme.acme_client validating authorization {"identifier": "foo.bar.org", "problem": {"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", "title": "", "detail": "red.act.ed.ip: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)", "instance": "", "subproblems": []}, "order": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/order/redacted/redacted", "attempt": 1, "max_attempts": 3}
2024/08/30 20:51:07.166 INFO tls.issuance.acme.acme_client trying to solve challenge {"identifier": "foo.bar.org", "challenge_type": "http-01", "ca": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"}
2024/08/30 20:51:07.168 INFO [WARNING] listen tcp :80: bind: address already in use - be sure to set the ACMEIssuer.ListenHost field; assuming conflicting listener is correctly configured and continuing
2024/08/30 20:51:17.941 ERROR tls.issuance.acme.acme_client challenge failed {"identifier": "foo.bar.org", "challenge_type": "http-01", "problem": {"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", "title": "", "detail": "red.act.ed.ip: Fetching http://foo.bar.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/redacted: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)", "instance": "", "subproblems": []}}
2024/08/30 20:51:17.941 ERROR tls.issuance.acme.acme_client validating authorization {"identifier": "foo.bar.org", "problem": {"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", "title": "", "detail": "red.act.ed.ip: Fetching http://foo.bar.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/redacted: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)", "instance": "", "subproblems": []}, "order": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/order/redacted/redacted", "attempt": 2, "max_attempts": 3}
2024/08/30 20:51:17.941 ERROR tls.obtain could not get certificate from issuer {"identifier": "foo.bar.org", "issuer": "acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org-directory", "error": "HTTP 400 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection - red.act.ed.ip: Fetching http://foo.bar.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/redacted: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)"}
2024/08/30 20:51:19.467 INFO http generated EAB credentials {"key_id": "redacted"}
2024/08/30 20:51:22.066 INFO tls.issuance.acme waiting on internal rate limiter {"identifiers": ["foo.bar.org"], "ca": "https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90", "account": "email@eggs.com"}
2024/08/30 20:51:22.067 INFO tls.issuance.acme done waiting on internal rate limiter {"identifiers": ["foo.bar.org"], "ca": "https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90", "account": "email@eggs.com"}
2024/08/30 20:51:22.067 INFO tls.issuance.acme using ACME account {"account_id": "https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90/account/redacted", "account_contact": ["mailto:email@eggs.com"]}
2024/08/30 20:51:23.234 INFO tls.issuance.acme.acme_client trying to solve challenge {"identifier": "foo.bar.org", "challenge_type": "http-01", "ca": "https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90"}
2024/08/30 20:51:23.234 INFO [WARNING] listen tcp :80: bind: address already in use - be sure to set the ACMEIssuer.ListenHost field; assuming conflicting listener is correctly configured and continuing
^C2024/08/30 20:51:49.327 INFO shutting down {"signal": "SIGINT"}
2024/08/30 20:51:49.328 WARN exiting; byeee!! 👋 {"signal": "SIGINT"}
2024/08/30 20:51:49.328 INFO http servers shutting down with eternal grace period
2024/08/30 20:51:49.329 INFO admin stopped previous server {"address": "localhost:2019"}
2024/08/30 20:51:49.329 INFO shutdown complete {"signal": "SIGINT", "exit_code": 0}
3. Caddy version:
v2.8.4 h1:q3pe0wpBj1OcHFZ3n/1nl4V4bxBrYoSoab7rL9BMYNk=
4. How I installed and ran Caddy:
go install github.com/caddyserver/xcaddy/cmd/xcaddy@latest
xcaddy build
a. System environment:
OS - Ubuntu
Architecture - x86_64
Command - /usr/bin/caddy run --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
b. Command:
/usr/bin/caddy run --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
c. My complete Caddy config:
:443, foo.bar.org
tls email@foobar.com
route {
reverse_proxy https://google.com {
header_up Host {upstream_hostport}