Caddy with Pterodactyl

1. Caddy version (caddy version):

2. How I run Caddy:

v2.3.0 h1:fnrqJLa3G5vfxcxmOH/+kJOcunPLhSBnjgIvjXV/QTA=

a. System environment:

Ubuntu 20.04 with systemd

b. Command:

systemctl start caddy

c. Service/unit/compose file:


d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:

        admin off
(logging) {
        log {
                output file /var/log/caddy/caddy.log {
                        roll_size 1gb
                        roll_keep 5
(errors) {
        handle_errors {
                root * /var/www/internal/errors
                rewrite * /{http.error.status_code}.html
(php) {
        php_fastcgi unix//run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock
} {
        import logging
} {
        import logging
        import errors
        import php
        root * /var/www/
        file_server browse
        encode gzip zstd
        respond /assets/ 403
        respond /files/ 403
        respond /files/theme/ 403
        respond /files/theme/fonts/ 403
        respond /files/theme/images/ 403
        respond /uploads/2/6/3/9/26395298/ 403
        respond /uploads/2/6/3/9/26395298/background-images/ 403
        respond /nitrogen/ 403
        respond /wave/ 403
} {
        import logging
        import php
        root * /usr/share/phpmyadmin
} {
        import logging
        import php
        root * /var/www/
        header /assets {
                +Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate"
                +Cache-Control "max-age=25000"
                Pragma "public"
        encode gzip
} {
        import logging
        import errors
        root * /var/www/
} {
        import logging
        import php
        root * /var/www/pterodactyl/public
        header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
        header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
        header X-Robots-Tag none;
        header Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors 'self'";
        header X-Frame-Options DENY;
        header Referrer-Policy same-origin;
        request_body {
                max_size 100m
        respond /.ht* 403
} {
        import logging
        import errors
        root * /var/www/
        file_server browse
} {
        import logging
} {
        import logging
        import errors
        root * /var/www/
} {
        import logging
        import errors
        root * /var/www/html
} {
        import logging

3. The problem I’m having:

I’m trying to run Pterodactyl ( natively with Caddy. They only have webserver configurations (Webserver Configuration | Pterodactyl) for Apache and Nginx, but nowhere does it say it doesn’t work with Caddy. I used to have Apache installed and reverse proxy Apache right to Caddy. Problem is that it’s slow! If you look at the block, you’ll see what I have to try and get it working. My initial plan was to build Caddy with the nginx converter and convert a working Nginx conf with the Pterodactyl stuff right into Caddy’s format. For some reason, it wouldn’t convert anything. It said unrecognized directive for pretty much everything in the file. So, I tried doing it by hand. I cut out the first server block which is just a redirect for HTTPS. I also got rid of the SSL stuff because Caddy does that automatically. I also deleted all the PHP FastCGI stuff and just use the one liner that Caddy has. I also tried to copy the headers from the Nginx config to Caddy. It’s not throwing any errors so I assume those are fine.
Anyways, that leaves me with a panel that almost works. Basically, everything on the frontend works, but not on the backend. Some pages return error 500 for a reason that I can’t pin down. Here’s a video demonstrating it:

As you can see, almost all of it loads just fine except for a few select pages. This doesn’t happen on Apache. I figured I’d ask here for ideas first because I’ve never previously had luck with Pterodactyl’s support.

4. Error messages and/or full log output:

Here are the relevant logs from my Caddy log (external due to how large it is)
I’m not sure as those logs are pretty generic. I also tried running Wings (the daemon) in debug mode. These were the logs

 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.738] writing log files to disk path=/var/log/pterodactyl/wings.log
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.739] loading configuration from path path=/etc/pterodactyl/config.yml
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.739] running in debug mode
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.740] configured wings with system timezone timezone=Etc/UTC
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.740] ensuring root data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.740] ensuring server data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl/volumes
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.741] ensuring archive data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl/archives
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.741] ensuring backup data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl/backups
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.742] checking for pterodactyl system user username=pterodactyl
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.742] configured system user successfully gid=996 uid=996 username=pterodactyl
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.743] fetching list of servers from API
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.743] making request to external HTTP endpoint endpoint= headers=map[Accept:[application/vnd.pterodactyl.v1+json] Authorization:[Bearer Ff8LtAel(redacted)] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[Pterodactyl Wings/v1.2.0 (id:Ff8LtAelviPCoE4C)]] method=GET
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.890] processing servers returned by the API total_configs=3
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.891] using 4 workerpools to instantiate server instances
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.891] creating new server object from API response server=c49b6b11-86fc-46ea-b581-06010df6782a
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.891] creating new server object from API response server=7813b078-34e5-485d-a4d5-d1ee67e9a34c
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.891] creating new server object from API response server=4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.892] registering event listeners: console, state, resources... server=7813b078-34e5-485d-a4d5-d1ee67e9a34c
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.893] registering event listeners: console, state, resources... server=c49b6b11-86fc-46ea-b581-06010df6782a
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.893] registering event listeners: console, state, resources... server=4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.894] syncing stop configuration with configured docker environment server=7813b078-34e5-485d-a4d5-d1ee67e9a34c
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.894] syncing stop configuration with configured docker environment server=c49b6b11-86fc-46ea-b581-06010df6782a
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.895] syncing stop configuration with configured docker environment server=4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.896] finished processing server configurations duration=6.326465ms
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.906] loaded configuration for server server=7813b078-34e5-485d-a4d5-d1ee67e9a34c
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.907] loaded configuration for server server=4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.908] loaded configuration for server server=c49b6b11-86fc-46ea-b581-06010df6782a
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.908] configuring server environment and restoring to previous state server=4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.909] configuring server environment and restoring to previous state server=c49b6b11-86fc-46ea-b581-06010df6782a
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.909] configuring server environment and restoring to previous state server=7813b078-34e5-485d-a4d5-d1ee67e9a34c
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.914] detected server is running, re-attaching to process... server=4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.916] saw server status change event server=4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521 status=running
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.919] configuring internal webserver host_address= host_port=8080 use_auto_tls=false use_ssl=true
 INFO: [Dec 31 22:01:44.921] sftp subsystem listening for connections host= port=2022
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:44.921] starting resource polling for container container_id=4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:49.950] GET /api/system client_ip= latency=211.654µs status=200
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:53.468] GET /api/servers/7813b078-34e5-485d-a4d5-d1ee67e9a34c client_ip= latency=134.275µs status=200
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:53.475] GET /api/servers/c49b6b11-86fc-46ea-b581-06010df6782a client_ip= latency=17.617µs status=200
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:53.517] GET /api/servers/4a1a25eb-6ebf-4cbe-969a-058cd656f521 client_ip= latency=44.08µs status=200
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:55.896] OPTIONS /api/system client_ip= latency=869ns status=200
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:55.957] GET /api/system client_ip= latency=90.763µs status=200
DEBUG: [Dec 31 22:01:56.618] GET /api/system client_ip= latency=43.68µs status=200

As you can see, they’re pretty useless as I don’t get any error 500 codes. I also don’t seem to get any logs from Pterodactyl itself.

5. What I already tried:

The obvious solution would be to switch back to reverse proxying Apache. I’ve tried to convert the Nginx example to Caddy as best to my ability. I also tried a minimal server config with just the root, php, etc. and no headers or denying .ht* files. I’m also multitasking in the Pterodactyl discord seeing if I can get support. I’ve never had luck there, but I’m trying regardless. Note that I tried to copy the try_files from the Nginx config (replacing the $url with {path} and $query with {query}). That actually broke certain things like searching for a user to make an owner of a server. It also didn’t make any of the errors go away. Not sure what that’s there for exactly or if I did it wrong either. It was

        try_files {path} {path}/ /index.php?{query}

6. Links to relevant resources:

(Error logging that Pterodactyl makes you do, but doesn’t have anything relating to Caddy / error 500)

The only thing I’m noticing that’s wrong is the ; at the end of your header lines. The semicolon is an nginx thing.

But I don’t think that would make a difference for the 500 errors.

This doesn’t seem specifically like an issue with Caddy, but rather with Pterodactyl when paired with Caddy. I think you’ll need to ask them how to find out what’s causing the 500 errors.

Oops. I removed the semicolons and that didn’t make a difference. I don’t think it does either but I’m not sure.

I realize that the Wings daemon also uses Go, and I know Caddy plays well with Go applications. Maybe I could run Wings with Caddy and see if that makes a difference. Not sure if that’s actually a thing but Caddy seems to be able to do literally anything haha

what does wings have to do with setting up the webserver for the panel? your goal is to run the PHP app in /var/www/pterodactyl.

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