Caddy version and apt contradicting?

Hey guys,

its probably a dumb question but Ive just upgraded my Caddy version (I think?).
My problem is that the commands “caddy version” and “apt list --installed” give me different outputs regardion the installed version of caddy.

Heres the output im getting:

Anyone knows which is the correct caddy version that got installed on my server?

Edit: Just to clarify, I updated caddy using the command “sudo caddy upgrade”. Maybe thats the cause that apt still shows me package version 2.5.2?

Did you configure update-alternative? Run this and check:

update-alternatives --display caddy

There’s probably a caddy in your PATH that’s taking precedence over the Caddy installed by apt. Run ls -al $(which caddy).

Thanks for the quick response :slight_smile: Here are the outputs:

update-alternatives --display caddy

update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for caddy

ls -al $(which caddy)

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 42291352 Jan  2 20:39 /usr/bin/caddy
