Caddy usage stats

This page says that caddy is used by 0.2% of sites. That seems low. Is there any reason why it could be artificially low?

Or do you know of other stats that provide a different number?

Honestly, 0.2% is a lot. Realize that the vast majority of websites on the internet are actually shared hosting, WordPress installations, that kind of thing, and those almost always use Apache or Nginx. Also, Cloudflare can be used to front Caddy, so depending on how they count things a good chunk of the Caddy instances could be “eaten” by Cloudflare. And some users are paranoid and remove the Server header from their responses so it wouldn’t be immediately obvious that it’s served by Caddy.


Very good points, particularly about cloudflare eating caddy and caddy users likely being more proactive to hide the header. In fact, they’re probably more proactive to use cloudflare as well.

I suppose it would be helpful to filter these stats by site size, activity (many are surely just abandonned) etc

It’s not very clear exactly how they determine what server a website uses. There is some explanation in Frequenty Asked Questions but it is not very detailed. For example node.js, I would never have it on the public Internet, but only behind a reverse proxy like Caddy. Does it mean the site is detected as Node.js or Caddy? Also, kind that they do not check all sites, but a subset that is to them “the relevant” internet.

Netcraft does not show Caddy, but at least the “other” section is quite large.

I agree that’s a bad move, but a lot of people do anyway out of simplicity.

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