Caddy-Security Update for Discord Guild Role authentication

Hey everyone,

To start, I’d like to ask if anyone is using caddy-security with Discord as their Identity Provider. If so, please comment how you are using it and if there is anything else you wish it could do!

I am attempting to add Guild Role authentication roles for caddy-security. Basically, this would let you use Roles in a guild to create some custom auth policy configuration. I just made 2 Merge Requests for paugreen’s Documentation repo and Auth repo. I’d love it if you could check them out, and maybe even test them if you so desire!

I’ve been setting up a Caddy reverse proxy server and finally got to the Authentication bit. I chose Caddy Security because it’s a robust and well-maintained repo. I then set up my Discord Guild(server) as my OAuth2 provider. I was able to use the internet to learn just enough about Go, Caddy, and Caddy Plugins to get a setup with Dulli’s Caddy-WOL(wake on lan) and PauGreen’s caddy-security.

I’d like to thank Dulli, Greenpau(Paul Greenberg), Matt Holt and Francis Lavoie for their assistance in getting my configuration to the state I want it to be in.


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