1. Caddy version (caddy version
v2.4.3 h1:Y1FaV2N4WO3rBqxSYA8UZsZTQdN+PwcoOcAiZTM8C0I=
2. How I run Caddy:
On one server (AWS EC2) I am running a somple caddyfile (caddy run --config caddyfile --adapter caddyfile
https://XXX.com {
tls {
dns cloudflare XXX
log {
output stdout
reverse_proxy *
On (Another server, connected with a VPN) I am running another very simple caddyfile (caddy run --config caddyfile --adapter caddyfile
): {
root * /home/hello
file_server browse
log {
output stdout
a. System environment:
Both are Ubuntu 20.04, one is a simple EC2 (under CF) server and another is a linux container on another server.
b. Command:
caddy run --config caddyfile --adapter caddyfile
d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:
https://XXX.com {
tls {
dns cloudflare XXX
log {
output stdout
reverse_proxy *
} {
root * /home/hello
file_server browse
log {
output stdout
3. The problem I’m having:
When connecting to my site, I always get an empty blank page, on the logs of both server I can see theat the request is arriving fine, however it fails to serve any content, for some reason…
This is what I can see on the stdout:
On the main HTTPS server that I connect to with my browser:
"\" Not;A Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"91\", \"Chromium\";v=\"91\""
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36"
"common_log":" - - [12/Jul/2021:02:05:16 +0000] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 200 0",
12 Jul 2021 02:05:16 GMT"
As you can see I get HTTP OK but with size 0, on the logs from the server that serves the file I get the following:
"\" Not;A Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"91\", \"Chromium\";v=\"91\""
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36"
"common_log":" - - [12/Jul/2021:02:08:51 +0000] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 0 0",
For some reason the response is empty.
If I try to run curl -o -
I get the contents of the file perfectly fine.
So the problem is when passing the reverse_proxy I assume.
5. What I already tried:
I tried navigating with the browser, using curl
on another machine connected to the Internet, but nothing.
Doing curl
from the main server to the reverse_proxy address works fine.