Im tryning to use the plugin.
Standard modules: 106
Non-standard modules: 1
Unknown modules: 0
I read similar topics but… i cant make it work.
caddy version: 2.7.6
This is my config:
trilium.xxxxxxx.xyz {
@mygeofilter {
maxmind_geolocation {
db_path "/root/GeoLite2_db/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb"
allow_countries AR
reverse_proxy @mygeofilter
log {
output file /var/log/caddy/trilium-access.log {
roll_size 10mb
roll_keep 20
roll_keep_for 720h
I dont get a file of the log. I dont know if caddy just crash, because i dont get any response in the web browser, and dont see nothing in the log file (i delete it too see the change, and the file is not created. If i delete all the maxmind-geolocation in the config the log file is created and all is working fine)
What i can do?