I’m trying to setup my Caddy server with a Signal TLS proxy. I know there are some topics that discuss this implementation, like TLS proxy or relay in Caddy and How to convert the stream_ssl_preread_module in nginx to caddyfile, however, I’m having quite some trouble understanding the L4 extension syntax.
I want to use the Caddyfile format, as the rest of my configuration is using this format. I tried playing around with caddy adapt
and I got the following code snippet to generate a similar result as to the original PR for the Signal TLS proxy:
layer4 {
localhost:4443 {
@secure tls sni chat.signal.org ud-chat.signal.org storage.signal.org cdn.signal.org cdn2.signal.org cdn3.signal.org cdsi.signal.org contentproxy.signal.org sfu.voip.signal.org svr2.signal.org updates.signal.org updates2.signal.org
route @secure {
proxy {l4.tls.server_name}:443
The Caddyfile above generates the following JSON config
"apps": {
"layer4": {
"servers": {
"srv0": {
"listen": [
"routes": [
"match": [
"tls": {
"sni": [
"handle": [
"handler": "proxy",
"upstreams": [
"dial": [
However, as I noticed from both implementations, this enables the L4 proxy on the apex domain. I want the proxy to run on a subdomain, but I can’t understand how to enable it.
I also tried to use the following Caddyfile (which produces a JSON config similar to one of the threads linked):
layer4 {
:443 {
@secure {
tls sni chat.signal.org ud-chat.signal.org storage.signal.org cdn.signal.org cdn2.signal.org cdn3.signal.org cdsi.signal.org contentproxy.signal.org sfu.voip.signal.org svr2.signal.org updates.signal.org updates2.signal.org
http host proxy.example.com
route @secure {
proxy {l4.tls.server_name}:443
but Signal still cannot connect to the TLS relay proxy. So, my question is, how to setup a relay proxy on a subdomain, using Caddyfile format and not JSON? And how can I setup automatic SSL certificate handling for this subdomain - do I need to include an empty domain block on the Caddyfile?