Caddy Auth Portal Multiple Host Configuration Questions

I’ve been using Caddy for about 6 months now, and I couldn’t be happier. I started out just wanting some basic reverse proxy capabilities with https, but it’s helped me to learn so much more. This weekend I’ve spent way too much time learning about @greenpau’s fantastic caddy_auth_portal. There was quite a learning curve for me, but at this point I have all of the basics working with Google Oath2.

I have a few final questions I’m hoping someone can assist me with.

  1. The portal is working great for, but I would like to also be able to secure my another host I can get it to work fine as, but I’d prefer to do this by host rather than virtual directory. Is this possible?
  2. This may be related, but in addition to securing the reverse proxy for from the outside, would it also be possible to pass my authenticated user information to authenticate me into that system?
  3. Not critical, but I was not able to get MFA working for the the local backend auth. Setting it up with the Microsoft authenticator app, I was able to get it configured and it test successfully. The problem, is that after setting up MFA, the portal still allows me to login with just username password. (This is why I’ve disabled in the config for now)
  4. Also not critical, but I was curious if it was possible to run with just the public_key trusted_tokens. I tried a few different ways of excluding the static_secret, but it always threw errors.
  5. Any other recommendations for my configuration?

Thank you!

Caddy v2 running in Docker on Ubuntu AMD64. Below is my caddyfile.

} {
    route /auth* {
		auth_portal {
			path /auth
			jwt {
				token_name access_token
				token_secret xxxx
		    backends {
				google_oauth2_backend {
					method oauth2
					realm google
					provider google
					client_id xxxx
					client_secret xxxx
					scopes openid email profile
					#user add role admin
				#local_backend {
				#	method local
				#	path /data/gatekeeper/auth/local/users.json
				#	realm local
			ui {
				theme basic
				links {
					"Home Assistant" /ha/
					"Blue Iris" /bi/
					"My Identity" /auth/whoami/
					"Settings" /auth/settings/
	route /sso/oauth2/google* {
		jwt {
			auth_url /auth/oauth2/google
		respond * "google oauth2 sso" 200
	route /* {
		jwt {
			auth_url /auth?redirect_url=/auth/portal
			allow roles guest
		respond * "" 200
	route /myapp/* {
		jwt {
			primary yes
			trusted_tokens {
				static_secret {
					token_name access_token
					token_secret xxxx	
				public_key {
					token_name access_token
					token_rsa_file xxxx /data/gatekeeper/auth/jwt/verify_key.pem
					token_sign_method RS256
			#auth_url /auth
			allow roles admin
    	respond * "myapp" 200
	route /bi/* {
		jwt {
			#auth_url /auth?redirect_url=/bi/
			allow roles guest
    	#respond "Blue Iris!!"
	route /ha/* {
		jwt {
			auth_url /auth?redirect_url=/ha/
			allow roles guest
			enable claim headers
		uri strip_prefix /ha/

# Firewall rules required - Keep in mind that there is splitDNS so it is being reported to the caddy-int proxy with the same name {
	route /* {
		#jwt {
		#	auth_url
    	#	disable auth_redirect_query

@ccpk, this is still WIP for me. Please subscribe to this issue to get updates.

  1. Also not critical, but I was curious if it was possible to run with just the public_key trusted_tokens. I tried a few different ways of excluding the static_secret, but it always threw errors.

Yes, it is. Please open an issue in

  1. Any other recommendations for my configuration?

There are quite a few.

For example, I don’t think you need the below, because you will be automatically redirected back upon successful authentication.

auth_url /auth?redirect_url=/ha/

Another advice is using shortcuts. Please see here.

List default route last and you don’t need /*:

	route {
		jwt {
			allow roles guest
		respond * "" 200
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Thanks for taking the time to reply. I’ll head over to github to open an issue this weekend. Thanks!

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