Applying Wildcard Cert to Caddy over snap

I’m trying to setup a owned wildcard certificate, for the RocketChat installation using snap (caddy also installed with snap).
It’s pretty similar to this thread : Applying Wildcard Cert to Caddy except that the link to the doc aren’t existing anymore.

Here is my current config (rocket chat is correctly listening to “localhost:3000” and I’m trying to reach it over https (using my certificate) on port 64000 :

  tls /etc/ssl/private/domain.crt /etc/ssl/private/domain.key
proxy / localhost:3000 {

That looks like a Caddy v1 config. Please upgrade to Caddy v2.

tls config is per-site, not a global option.

Next time, please fill out the thread template, it’s very important to clearly understand your issue and to help us help you.

My apologizes for the template, as I’m refering to an existing post, I though it was enough, my bad.

I then, change my version to the following (by moving the cert + key on the /var/snap/rocketchat-server/current/ folder) and now, it works.
Thanks !
  tls domain.crt domain.key
  proxy / localhost:3000 {

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