Acme: error presenting token: googlecloud: no matching domain found for domain

I had caddy working with multiple sites and I came back to caddy.service not started.
Seems caddy won’t start with acme: error presenting token: googlecloud: no matching domain found for domain errors.

I double checked to see if the environment vars and GCP json was correct and it is, here’s the log -

systemd[1]: Started Caddy HTTP/2 web server.
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:03 [INFO][FileStorage:/var/lib/caddy] Started certificate maintenance routine
caddy[6813]: Activating privacy features... 2019/09/04 14:52:04 [WARNING] Stapling OCSP: invalid: OCSP response for [] valid after certificate expiration (-24h51>
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:04 [WARNING] Stapling OCSP: invalid: OCSP response for [] valid after certificate expiration (-24h51m18s)
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:04 [WARNING] Stapling OCSP: invalid: OCSP response for [] valid after certificate expiration (-24h51m18s)
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:04 [WARNING] Stapling OCSP: invalid: OCSP response for [] valid after certificate expiration (-24h51m8s)
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:04 [WARNING] Stapling OCSP: invalid: OCSP response for [] valid after certificate expiration (-24h51m8s)
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:04 [WARNING] Stapling OCSP: invalid: OCSP response for [] valid after certificate expiration (-24h51m8s)
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:04 [WARNING] Stapling OCSP: invalid: OCSP response for [] valid after certificate expiration (-24h51m8s)
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:04 [INFO] Certificate for [] expires in 121h16m37.732350624s; attempting renewal
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:05 [INFO] [] acme: Trying renewal with 121 hours remaining
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:05 [INFO] [] acme: Obtaining bundled SAN certificate
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:06 [INFO] [] AuthURL:
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:06 [INFO] [] acme: Could not find solver for: tls-alpn-01
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:06 [INFO] [] acme: Could not find solver for: http-01
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:06 [INFO] [] acme: use dns-01 solver
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:06 [INFO] [] acme: Preparing to solve DNS-01
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:08 [INFO] [] acme: Cleaning DNS-01 challenge
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:08 [WARN] [] acme: error cleaning up: googlecloud: no matching domain found for domain
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:08 [ERROR] Renewing []: acme: Error -> One or more domains had a problem:
caddy[6813]: [] [] acme: error presenting token: googlecloud: no matching domain found for domain
caddy[6813]: ; trying again in 10s
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:18 [INFO] [] acme: Trying renewal with 121 hours remaining
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:18 [INFO] [] acme: Obtaining bundled SAN certificate
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:19 [INFO] [] AuthURL:
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:19 [INFO] [] acme: Could not find solver for: tls-alpn-01
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:19 [INFO] [] acme: Could not find solver for: http-01
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:19 [INFO] [] acme: use dns-01 solver
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:19 [INFO] [] acme: Preparing to solve DNS-01
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:19 [INFO] [] acme: Cleaning DNS-01 challenge
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:19 [WARN] [] acme: error cleaning up: googlecloud: no matching domain found for domain
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:19 [ERROR] Renewing []: acme: Error -> One or more domains had a problem:
caddy[6813]: [] [] acme: error presenting token: googlecloud: no matching domain found for domain
caddy[6813]: ; trying again in 10s
caddy[6813]: 2019/09/04 14:52:29 too many renewal attempts; last error: acme: Error -> One or more domains had a problem:
caddy[6813]: [] [] acme: error presenting token: googlecloud: no matching domain found for domain
systemd[1]: caddy.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
systemd[1]: caddy.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

What am I missing here, did something change with DNS challenges recently?

IS this your real domain? If possible please dont react domain names it makes debugging more difficult.

Could you provide your full caddyfile? Even your tls config in your caddyfile?

Also might be worth checking that your DNS provider (googlecloud) has a zone for that hostname… The error appears to be coming from the provider.

@tobya Sorry about that, the domain is

$ sudo cat /etc/caddy/caddy.conf
*:80 {
	root /usr/share/caddy

import caddy.conf.d/*.conf

Smokeping config:
$ sudo cat /etc/caddy/caddy.conf.d/smokeping.conf {

	header / {
        Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000;"
        X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
        X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
        X-Frame-Options "DENY"
        Expect-CT "enforce; max-age=3600"
        X-POP-Tag "GCP-MUM-SEA1"
        Referrer-Policy "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
	Feature-Policy "accelerometer 'none' ; ambient-light-sensor 'none' ; autoplay 'self' ; camera 'none' ; encrypted-media 'none' ; fullscreen 'self' ; geolocation 'none' ; gyroscope 'none' ; magnetometer 'none' ; microphone 'none' ; midi 'none' ; payment 'self' ; picture-in-picture * ; speaker 'self' ; sync-xhr 'none' ; usb 'none' ; notifications 'self' ; vibrate 'self' ; push 'self' ; vr 'none'"
        Content-Security-Policy "
            default-src 'self';
            style-src 'self' * *;
            script-src 'self' * * *;
            font-src 'self' * *;
            img-src data: 'self' * *;
            form-action 'self';
            connect-src 'self' *;
            frame-ancestors 'none';
            report-uri {$CSP_REPORT_URI}

mime {
    .atom application/atom+xml
    .json application/json
    .map application/json
    .topojson application/json
    .jsonld application/ld+json
    .rss application/rss+xml
    .geojson application/vnd.geo+json
    .rdf application/xml
    .xml application/xml
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    .webmanifest application/manifest+json
    .webapp application/x-web-app-manifest+json
    .appcache text/cache-manifest
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    .midi audio/midi
    .kar audio/midi
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    .ogg audio/ogg
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    .7z application/x-7z-compressed
    .bbaw application/x-bb-appworld
    .torrent application/x-bittorrent
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    .cco application/x-cocoa
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    .tk application/x-tcl
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	tls {
	    dns googlecloud
	log / /var/log/caddy/smokeping_combined.log "{combined}" {
        root /srv/http/smokeping
        fastcgi / unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.sock {
        env SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/http/smokeping/smokeping.cgi
} {
        root /srv/http/smokeping/js
} {
        root /srv/http/smokeping/css
} {
	root /srv/smokeping/imgcache

@Whitestrake That was the first thing I checked since it was working fine before. Cropped pic from my Google console:

This looks like the panel for a VPS.

A DNS zone doesn’t have a hostname, or a network interface, or a PTR record. What I meant was, is Google Cloud actually configured to respond authoritatively to DNS requests for your domain - is there actually an API object for your zone that the DNS provider plugin can manipulate to add records to, etc.

@Whitestrake It’s the Google Cloud Console, let me check the DNS again.

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