Working setup for Goaccess log file analyzer someone?

Would someone with a working Goaccess installation mind to share your setup with me, or having a look at my conf files?

Caddy version 2.4.6 on Debian GNU/Linux 11 here, serving an online database application very well since v1 times (see my Caddyfile below). Goaccess 1.5.5 is installed from the Debian package. It’s working as far as it can read the data put in a report.html file in my server root directory. My goaccess.conf so far is:

time-format %s
date-format %s
log-format CADDY
config-dialog false
hl-header true
json-pretty-print false
no-color false
no-column-names false
no-csv-summary false
no-progress false
no-tab-scroll false
with-mouse false
daemonize true
port 7890
pid-file /var/run/
real-time-html true
log-file /var/log/caddy/access.log
agent-list false
with-output-resolver false
http-method yes
http-protocol yes
no-query-string false
no-term-resolver false
444-as-404 false
4xx-to-unique-count false
anonymize-ip true
all-static-files false
browsers-file /etc/goaccess/browsers.list
double-decode false
ignore-crawlers true
crawlers-only false
ignore-panel REFERRERS
real-os true

(I’ve skipped the static-filestuff.) Goaccess was started with goaccess -o /var/www/wikindx/report.html
What I’m missing is the part, where Caddy comes in and connects to Goaccess’s web socket server. Basically, my (working) Caddyfile is: {
	root * /var/www/wikindx
	log {
		output file /var/log/caddy/access.log
	php_fastcgi unix//run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock

My most urgent questions are: which modifications should I have in my goaccess.conf (what should go in ws-url? Do I have to specify --ssl-cert and --ssl-key? Remember, vanilla Caddy serving https without any problems here)? How do I connect to the web socket in my Caddyfile?

Do you have any other tips and tricks regarding Goaccess?


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