V1 - I started to get this error: [INFO][FileStorage:/etc/caddy_efs/caddy_ssl] Lock for

We just started to get these errors:
2020/05/24 06:25:56 [INFO][FileStorage:/etc/caddy_efs/caddy_ssl] Lock for ‘cert_acme_www.xx.com_https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory’ is stale; removing then retrying: /etc/caddy_efs/caddy_ssl/locks/cert_acme_www.xx.com_httpsacme-v02.api.letsencrypt.orgdirectory.lock

Does anyone know why it’s start happen and what I can do to fix it?


OK, I removed all the files in the LOCKS folder and it’s solve the issue. Does anyone know why it’s started to happen?

Stale locks can occur when Caddy is killed in the middle of certificate maintenance operations. Caddy cleans up its locks after itself in normal operation, but being preempted can orphan these.

The locks are there to ensure Caddy servers do not attempt to act on (e.g. renew) a certificate while it is already in the process of being renewed.


And Caddy 2 solves this problem with a new active locking approach.


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