Use my own domain purely internally?

I’m curious if you were able to get a working config for firefly iii? I am also having trouble with this.


No not really sadly…

It redirects but I just end up at the IP address in the end…

Did you finally manage to make proxmox work?
I’m in quite a similar situation, using nginx (everything works except remote consoles…)
But I’m think of giving caddy a go…

I’d say give it a go - just run the binary out of a user folder maybe, then you can simply remove it if it doesn’t work out for you - and let us know if you run into trouble.

Yes, I did actually get it to work…

Here is my Caddyfile for Proxmox:

(standard) {
  log /var/log/caddy/access.log
  errors /var/log/caddy/errors.log
  tls {
    dns godaddy
} {
  proxy / {
  import standard

I use Godaddy for my domains. “” is the IP of my Proxmox node.

BUT as the consoles won’t work with caddy, I would probably rather upgrade to Proxmox 5.2 now… They have Let’s Encrypt integrated as well!

I’m already on 5.2, ok, so here is what I’ve been thinking:

Since we don’t want to expose PVE webinterface directly to the net:

  1. we can use nginx to proxy proxmox webinterface only (there is a guide for this, and novnc terminals work) and even maybe protect with extra htpasswd (there is also some guide for that)

  2. use caddy for the rest of our services (plex, tautuli, kolab, teampass, pihole, muximux, airdcpp-web, transmission, subsonic, librenms, etc)

Gonna do some testing and I will be getting back to you. I mention the above services so you people know on which services I will be needing help and will be providing feedback according to my findings.

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