Static brotli/gzip and reverse proxy config question

Thanks @francislavoie for your advices, it works perfect !

I share the config here for others:


# See

(precompressed) {
  @{args.0}{args.1} {
    header Accept-Encoding *{args.2}*
    path *.{args.0}
    file {path}.{args.1}
  handle @{args.0}{args.1} {
    rewrite {path}.{args.1}
    header Content-Encoding {args.2}
    header Content-Type {args.3}
    header Cache-Control max-age={args.4},public
    header Vary "Accept-Encoding"
(uncompressed) {
  @{args.0}{args.1} {
    path *.{args.0}
    file {path}.{args.1}
  handle @{args.0}{args.1} {
    header Cache-Control max-age={args.4},public
    header Vary "Accept-Encoding"
} {

    log {
        output file {
            roll_size 5MiB
            roll_keep 8
            roll_keep_for 72h
        format console

    handle_path /_next/static/* {

        # Rewrite to next static

        root * /path/to/

        # Precompress static assets

        import precompressed html br br text/html 300
        import precompressed html gz gzip text/html 300
        import uncompressed html - - - 300
        import precompressed js br br application/javascript 2628000
        import precompressed js gz gzip application/javascript 2628000
        import uncompressed js - - - 2628000
        import precompressed map br br application/json 2628000
        import precompressed map gz gzip application/json 2628000
        import uncompressed map - - - 2628000
        import precompressed css br br "text/css; charset=utf-8" 2628000
        import precompressed css gz gzip "text/css; charset=utf-8" 2628000
        import uncompressed css - - - 2628000

        # Add cache control 

        @static {
            path *.ico *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.woff *.map

        header @static Cache-Control max-age=2628000


    # Reverse proxy the nextjs app for server side rendering

    handle {
        encode zstd gzip
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