Thank you for coming back, but the answers, honestly, don’t help us understand your failed attempts nor did you share your successful attempt. Let me clarify…
What does your config look like?
It’s a new configuration for WordPress, I have search some of the community contribute configuration is useful for my case.
We’re trying to understand your config of Caddy, not your app. Did you not make an attempt at writing Caddy config, either in the form of JSON or Caddyfile? I’m trying to build a mental model of what the docs led you to believe about how Caddy does things, so we’d understand how to reword them or restructure them.
Anyway, for WordPress, there are 2 wiki posts covering how to configure Caddy to serve WordPress, here and here.
What did you try?
Now when I wanted to block/?author=1
which would reveal the username, usingrewrite
in the docs appear to show only REST, are they applicable to Key=Pair?
You’re answering the question of what were you trying to achieve, but we would like to understand what did you try. In other words, what were your failed attempts. To achieve your end-goal, you probably need to take a look at the query
What exactly is the error you received?
I have missed a forward slash, and it mentioned wrong number of arguments, upon reaching the doc on rewrite, it should indicate we need to start with a forward slash. As a beginner’s point of view.
That’s your understanding of the issue. We’re trying to understand what was the error message you received. Perhaps the error message wasn’t clear enough. This is why we need to know what the input was (your attempted Caddy config) and what the error message that Caddy printed to you.
Did the upgrade guide not help? (Note the part about rewrite). What is it lacking?
I didn’t aware there was a link on upgrade, it’s visually hard to spot in the docs and I never use V1 before, just join recently to start exploring V2.0.
You asked if you could still use v1 syntax, so I assumed you were coming from v1. If you were comfortable with v1, the upgrade guide could help you reshape your understanding into v2’s expectation.
As for the doc design, we’ll see how the design can be improved. The theme of the docs pages follows your system, i.e. it’ll be dark themed if your system is configured to prefer dark.
If your hand is good at web design and front-end dev, the source code of the website is open-source and would love to have your contribution. Your experience of the challenges could be a good guide into knowing what to change.
Can you please share what worked for you? You know, for future generations.