Reverse proxy question

I already tried without transparent and without websocket, still the same result. Btw, the target of the reverse proxy is not something like in the browser the address will always stays at

Yep, right: the address will not change to the WEBSITE-B’s address. I used the wrong terminology.

I tried to replicate the problem with the simplest possible configuration, but it worked exactly as expected.

➜ mkdir website1 website2

➜ echo "I'm website 1!" > website1/index.txt

➜ echo "I'm website 2!" > website2/index.txt

➜ cat Caddyfile
:8080 {
  proxy / localhost:8081
  proxy /rb localhost:8082 {
    without /rb

:8081 {
  root website1

:8082 {
  root website2

➜ caddy -version

➜ curl localhost:8080
I'm website 1!

➜ curl localhost:8080/rb
I'm website 2!
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This is very strange indeed. I replicate your simple example and it works. But when i try with this Caddyfile, it doesn’t… {
  header / Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
  proxy / https://INTERNAL-IP-A {
  proxy /rp INTERNAL-IP-B {
    without /rp 

Maybe external webservers manage those type of requests in a different way…

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