On Demand Tls Configuration script

hi Welcome
Hello, i have a App in which we offer whitelablel to our clients. We ask them to add a Cname subdomain record to their domain for whitelabel. Now, we are also willing to make sure that the subdomain they are pointing to us have a VALID SSL Certificate .

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Hello, i have a App in which we offer whitelablel to our clients. We ask them to add a Cname subdomain record to their domain for whitelabel. Now, we are also willing to make sure that the subdomain they are pointing to us . Any other option for giving SSL certificate For Cname Record . Need Caddy Conf Files.

Yes, that’s what On-Demand TLS does.

Did you read the docs?

Ask specific questions. What are you confused about?

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Yes I read the documents. Can I know how to write the Conf Files for on demand tls

Right at the bottom of the docs I linked, it gives a link to Serving tens of thousands of domains over HTTPS with Caddy. Did you read this? This explains how to configure Caddy for On-Demand TLS.

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