My caddy config cant obtain certificates with systemctl

/usr/bin/caddy run --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile.json : tls.obtain certificate obtained successfully

then I remove certificate file and run systemctl restart caddy it wont obtain certificate

then again: /usr/bin/caddy run --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile.json : tls.obtain certificate obtained successfully

I dont know why.

caddy config:

    "admin": {"disabled": true},
    "apps": {
		"tls": {"certificates": {"automate": [""]},"automation": {"policies": [{"issuer": {"challenges": {"tls-alpn": {"disabled": true}},"module": "acme"},"subjects": [""]}]}},
        "http": {
            "servers": {
                "srv0": {
                    "listen": [":80"],
                    "routes": [
                            "match": [{"host": [""]}],
                            "handle": [{"handler": "subroute","routes": [{"handle": [{"handler": "static_response","headers": {"Location": ["https://{}{http.request.uri}"]},"status_code": 301}]}]}],
                            "terminal": true
                "srv1": {
                    "listen": [""],
                            "match": [{"host": [""]}],
                            "handle": [{
                                "handler": "file_server",
                                "root": "/usr/share/caddy"
                            "terminal": true
                    "automatic_https": {
                        "disable": true 
                    "allow_h2c": true

I am trying to use caddy only with port 80 to get certificates for xray

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