mTLS under FreeBSD

I should have tested out the modified wildcard domain before continuing. It turns out it wasn’t working the way I expected it to. Attempting to access a subdomain (when {mtls} is either yes and no} returned a blank screen.

An extract from caddy adapt --pretty for the unmodified wildcard domain block…

                                                                                        "handle": [
                                                                                                        "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                                                                                                        "upstreams": [
                                                                                                                        "dial": "{backend}"

…and from the modified wildcard domain block…

                                                                                        "group": "group28",
                                                                                        "handle": [
                                                                                                        "handler": "subroute"
                                                                                        "match": [
                                                                                                        "expression": "{mtls} == \"yes\""
                                                                                        "group": "group28",
                                                                                        "handle": [
                                                                                                        "handler": "subroute",
                                                                                                        "routes": [
                                                                                                                        "handle": [
                                                                                                                                        "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                                                                                                                                        "upstreams": [
                                                                                                                                                        "dial": "{backend}"
                                                                                        "match": [
                                                                                                        "expression": "{mtls} == \"no\""

It appears the handler changed from reverse_proxy to subroute with the modified wildcard subdomain. After reviewing @matt’s wiki article Composing in the Caddyfile and with a bit of experimentation, I found that wrapping the matcher and associated handle directive in a route block fixed the issue.

This was confirmed in this caddy adapt --pretty extract;

                          "handle": [
                                          "handler": "subroute",
                                          "routes": [
                                                          "handle": [
                                                                          "handler": "subroute"
                                                          "match": [
                                                                          "expression": "{mtls} == \"yes\""
                                          "handler": "subroute",
                                          "routes": [
                                                          "handle": [
                                                                          "handler": "subroute",
                                                                          "routes": [
                                                                                          "handle": [
                                                                                                          "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                                                                                                          "upstreams": [
                                                                                                                          "dial": "{backend}"
                                                          "match": [
                                                                          "expression": "{mtls} == \"no\""

This is the working wildcard subdomain Caddy block…

* {
  map {labels.3} {backend} {online} {mtls} {phpmyadmin} {

    # Jails
    test    yes    yes  yes        #

# Secure backend communication

  route {
    @mtls expression `{mtls} == "yes"`
    handle @mtls {
      # Watch this space!

# Unsecured backend communication

  route {
    @nomtls expression `{mtls} == "no"`
    handle @nomtls {
      reverse_proxy {backend}
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