Issues with Caddy 0.11.1 using PHP on Windows 7 x64

I had a working Caddy (0.11.0) server with PHP (7.2.12) used for local development using this caddyfile:

:2015 {
	root C:\sites\1
	errors error.log
	log / access_log "{remote} | {user} | {when} | {method} | {uri} | {proto} | {status} | {size} | {latency_ms}"
	on startup C:\php\php-cgi.exe -b 6545 &
	fastcgi / {
		ext .php

Using Caddy (0.11.1) with the same config I get errors like these in error.log:

18/Nov/2018:15:04:30 -0500 [ERROR 0 /index.php] PHP Warning:  Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
18/Nov/2018:15:04:30 -0500 [ERROR 0 /favicon.ico] PHP Warning:  Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
18/Nov/2018:15:04:39 -0500 [ERROR 0 /sqlite_test2.php] PHP Warning:  Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0

Anyone else having similar issues?

I did additional tests with builds on my machine with

I start having this error with this commit:

Previous commit doesn’t have this issue. I’m investigating further.

I found the solution and posted it here