How to set up cgit with Caddy

I am trying to set up cgit using Caddy.
This is an example of how I got it running with my nginx test machine:

server {
  listen 8081;
  server_name git.cgittest;
  root /usr/local/www/cgittest;
  index cgit.cgi;

  try_files $uri @cgit;

  location @cgit {
    index cgit.cgi;

    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $uri;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/cgit.cgi;
    fastcgi_param CGIT_CONFIG $document_root/cgitrc;
    fastcgi_param HTTP_HOST $server_name;
    fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $args;
    fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap/fcgiwrap.sock;
    include fastcgi_params;

I am not sure how I am supposed to approach this with Caddy, since there is a cgi plugin I would not have to use fcgiwrap? Would it better to use it anyway? In both cases I do not know how to set this up, given that I am new to the operation of web servers in general.

I am using Caddy 0.10.0, and my OS is FreeBSD 11.0.

I would be glad if someone could show me an example of how to get it running :slight_smile:, also happy for every other piece of information.

I am not sure how I am supposed to approach this with Caddy, since there is a cgi plugin I would not have to use fcgiwrap?

That’s correct. The CGI plugin appears to be the right way to use cgit. Once I get it working I will add an example in the cgi plugin documentation. That won’t be for a couple of days, however, since I will be away from my desk.


I just added an example on how to use cgit with Caddy. See the caddy-cgi repo for details.

cgit seems to be a really useful program – I’m glad to learn about it!


Thank you very much!
Yes cgit is indeed very useful and neat, I’m sure more people will benefit from this example.

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