How to get The reverse_proxy directive to strip the path of the request before forwarding the request upstream

1. Caddy version (caddy version):


2. How I run Caddy:

caddy run

a. System environment:

windows server 2019

b. Command:

caddy_windows_amd64.exe run

c. Service/unit/compose file:

Paste full file contents here.
Make sure backticks stay on their own lines,
and the post looks nice in the preview pane.

d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:

Paste config here, replacing this text.
Use `caddy fmt` to make it readable.
DO NOT REDACT anything except credentials.
Make sure the backticks stay on their own lines.

3. The problem I’m having:

trying to match on a path prefix like /version/a/b/c which will choose the appropriate reverse proxy but then forward the request without the prefix version… so the request will just be /a/b/c

inbound request:

http// — reverse proxy →

cannot figure out the proper syntax for this…

the problem is described here too " The reverse_proxy directive]does not strip the path of the request before forwarding the request upstream:

I tried the following config but it just returns a blank page instead of the content: {

handle_path /v1 {

	reverse_proxy /a {
		transport http {
	header_up Host {host} # redundant
	header_up X-Real-IP {remote}
	header_up X-Forwarded-For {remote}  # redundant
	header_up X-Forwarded-Port {server_port} # redundant
	header_up X-Forwarded-Proto {scheme}


4. Error messages and/or full log output:

5. What I already tried:

6. Links to relevant resources:

Remove all this, it’s not useful. Caddy sets the appropriate headers automatically:

Use the handle_path directive which will strip the matched path prefix before handling.

Your mistake is that you must use *, because path matching is exact in Caddy.

handle_path /version* {

Thanks for the speedy reply. I updated the configuration to: {
	handle_path /version1* {
		reverse_proxy {

Now it no longer has a 404… but the page is blank… looking at the page source it looks like it has never loaded the scripts:

  <div id="root"></div>
<script src="[/devui/static/js/bundle.js]("></script><script src="[/devui/static/js/vendors~main.chunk.js]("></script><script src="[/devui/static/js/main.chunk.js]("></script></body>

if I remove the handle_path from the configuration (and therefore the URL is instead of the application loads perfectly: {
		reverse_proxy {

what is the difference? nothing has changed on the application end…

the topology for reference:

—> [firewall] → [caddy] → app on Port 10002
both caddy and the application are running on the same server

Make sure your { match all the closing }. You have an extra one now at the end of the reverse_proxy line.

That’s not a problem with Caddy. You need to configure your upstream app to be aware of the subpath you’re proxying to, since it constructs the HTML which contain the script tags.

Using handle_path, Caddy will only handle requests which have /version1* in the path. Other requests will go unhandled, which results in an empty 200 response. You either need to configure Caddy to handle those other requests with another handle block, or configure your upstream app to avoid needing to do the handle_path in Caddy.

Thanks for the information.

In this common scenrio, what is needed is for the application to be unaware of the proxy.

To do that:

  1. match on the prefix /versionNumber
  2. strip the prefix so that the request is proxied to the application as norml but port based on /versionNumber (e.g. versionNumber = 1000, reverse_proxy localhost:1000)
  3. rewrite the root for ALL urls found in the responses to the client to put back the /versionNumber prefix

Will this configuration do this?

handle_path /10002 {
		reverse_proxy {
			handle_response  {
		            root    * /10002
                            rewrite * /10002/{path}		

This does NOT appear to be rewriting any of the embedded URIs

Also - the value of the path that is stripped by handle_path - is there a variable that can be used to get its value (e.g. $1)?

rewrite only rewrites the URI of the incoming request. It doesn’t manipulate responses. Manipulating the request during handle_response doesn’t do anything, because the request has already been used/copied to the proxy upstream.

I don’t understand your goal here. I think you’re approaching this incorrectly. What exactly is your goal, and why are you trying to do this?

Also, please run caddy fmt --overwrite Caddyfile to fix your config’s formatting. It’s messy and hard to read.

the goal:

  1. have multiple “versions” of an application running… where each version is based on the build number

each version will be running on a port corresponding to the build number: e.g. build 10000 running on port 10000

  1. to access the application using same URI request that the application would normally expect but modified to add/embed the the version number into the path to do the correct reverse_proxy
  normal URL:  -->  ****/originalPath
         modified URL:**versionNumber**/originalPath --> ****/originalPath

where the application is UNAWARE of any of the path manipulation

Can you let me know what configuration I can use to achieve this?

after running caddy fmt the configuration file currently is: {
	handle_path /data* {
		reverse_proxy {
			handle_response {
				root * /10002

Why does it have to be unaware? That makes it significantly harder to do this.

If you can just have a base path parameter (environment variable maybe) for that deployment, or even make the base path dynamic based on some HTTP header during that app’s handling (that you could pass with header_up in Caddy, like X-Base-Path: /10000), then you wouldn’t have an issue.

Unfortunately we do not control the source for the application… need to test different versions independently…

This seems to be a very common need/scenario… where a component/prefix of the path is stripped to do the proxy to a specific port… and the response should be rewritten to include the stripped prefix/component on all URLs in the response

It’s not, actually. Most upstream apps will have some config like basePath to control how it builds URLs.

This isn’t something Caddy can magically fix. As the article I linked above explains, you’d need to manipulate the response body, which is non-trivial. You’d have to use regular expressions to update any URLs in the content, but that’s very error-prone, because there’s no fool-proof way to detect URLs in the response body. If you try to replace anything that starts with / or whatever, then you’ll replace too many things, etc. Also, response body replacement is not built-in, you’d need to install a plugin to do it. And I strongly recommend against taking this approach, you’ll cause yourself more headaches.

appreciate your patience.

… will chat with the develpers to set the basepath based on the portnumbr that is built…

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