1. The problem I’m having:
I’m running three instances of Caddy across three servers with different applications. For external access, I’ve installed the Caddy OPNsense module on my firewall and am leveraging the Layer4 capabilities to receive external traffic, determine the subdomain (via SNI), and then forward it to the appropriate instance of Caddy within my network.
With everything configured, the L4 Caddy seems to be receiving and parsing the traffic correctly based on the logs. However, there is an issue when trying to visit these services externally - the Caddy L4 instance forwards the traffic and I’m forwarded to just a white blank page. I can see the HTTPS redirect for the subdomain execute, but nothing loads.
With my three instances of Caddy handling TLS, is there another way I should be referencing them when sending traffic from the L4 proxy?
2. Error messages and/or full log output:
No relevant logs that I can see in the internal Caddy instances. Below are logs from the L4 proxy that confirm the handoff is working properly.
2024-11-25T09:12:08-05:00 Debug caddy "debug","ts":"2024-11-25T14:12:08Z","logger":"caddy.listeners.layer4","msg":"connection stats","remote":"","read":872,"written":2897,"duration":0.230515789}
2024-11-25T09:12:08-05:00 Debug caddy "debug","ts":"2024-11-25T14:12:08Z","logger":"layer4.handlers.proxy","msg":"dial upstream","remote":"","upstream":""}
2024-11-25T09:12:08-05:00 Debug caddy "debug","ts":"2024-11-25T14:12:08Z","logger":"caddy.listeners.layer4","msg":"matching","remote":"","matcher":"layer4.matchers.tls","matched":true}
2024-11-25T09:12:08-05:00 Debug caddy "debug","ts":"2024-11-25T14:12:08Z","logger":"layer4.matchers.tls","msg":"matched","remote":"","server_name":"plan.halp.app"}
3. Caddy version:
I’m using the latest Caddy plugin from the OPNsense repository for the Layer4 proxy (not sure where to find the specific version number.
On the internal instances, they’re all running v2.8.4 and are custom built with Cloudflare and Porkbun DNS modules.
4. How I installed and ran Caddy:
a. System environment:
I’m on the latest version of OPNsense with the official Caddy plugin installed and up-to-date.
On my three servers, I’m running them on Debian via Docker and docker-compose.
b. Command:
docker compoes up caddy
c. Service/unit/compose file:
On the three servers:
build: /mnt/user/appdata/caddy/.
container_name: caddy
restart: unless-stopped
- 443:443
- ${APP}/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
- ${APP}/caddy/site:/srv
- ${APP}/caddy/data:/data
- ${APP}/caddy/config:/config
- caddy
d. My complete Caddy config:
This is a Caddyfile from one of the three servers ( They are all structured like this and work when using internal redirects.
# ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
# Global
# ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
email {env.LE_CERT_EMAIL}
# ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
# Snippets
# ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
(headers) {
encode gzip
(porkbun) {
tls {
dns porkbun {
api_key {env.PORKBUN_API_KEY}
api_secret_key {env.PORKBUN_API_SECRET_KEY}
# ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
# Reverse Proxy
# ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
*.halp.app {
import headers
import porkbun
@budget host budget.halp.app
@authelia host sso.halp.app
@rallly host plan.halp.app
handle @budget {
reverse_proxy budget:5006
handle @authelia {
reverse_proxy authelia:9091
handle @rallly {
reverse_proxy rallly:3000
handle {
Here is the config for the Layer4 proxy on Caddy OPNsense:
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE -- OPNsense auto-generated file
# caddy_user=root
# Global Options
log {
output net unixgram//var/run/caddy/log.sock {
format json {
time_format rfc3339
level DEBUG
https_port 443
servers {
protocols h1 h2 h3
listener_wrappers {
layer4 {
import /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/*.layer4listener
@a742d3fc-178e-4614-82d8-0a259e31c20a tls sni code.halp.app
route @a742d3fc-178e-4614-82d8-0a259e31c20a {
proxy tcp/ {
@418fd65f-f149-4d71-b0ab-5d8877d098d3 tls sni sso.halp.app budget.halp.app plan.halp.app
route @418fd65f-f149-4d71-b0ab-5d8877d098d3 {
proxy tcp/ {
@69515b57-a5d4-4392-ac79-41cd2f524853 tls sni load.halp.app
route @69515b57-a5d4-4392-ac79-41cd2f524853 {
proxy tcp/ {
layer4 {
import /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/*.layer4global
dynamic_dns {
provider porkbun {
api_secret_key <SECRET KEY REDACTED>
domains {
halp.app *
ip_source interface igb0
versions ipv4
grace_period 10s
import /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/*.global
# Reverse Proxy Configuration
# Layer4 default HTTP port
:80 {
# Layer4 default HTTPS port
:443 {
import /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/*.conf
5. Links to relevant resources:
Here’s a topic I started on the OPNsense forums, which then directed me here: Caddy Layer4 Configuration