Hook.service not using the "$CADDYPATH"

We install the hook.service and set the “$CADDYPATH” to custom location but Caddy use is default path to host the SSLs - [INFO][FileStorage:.caddy] Started certificate maintenance routine

How can we fix it?

This is what I’m using to start the service: "caddy -service install -agree -email noam@xxxxx.com -conf="/etc/caddyfile/Caddyfile" -log "/etc/caddy_log/requests.log" -name mydomainname"

And I’m setting variable inside “/etc/environment” like that:


Oops, this appears to be a known issue: https://github.com/mholt/caddy/issues/2465

We’ll look into it!


I upgraded to version " [0.11.4]" and also reboot the server.
But still Caddy save everything in /.caddy

Any solution for this issue?


I’m not sure without more investigation, but I suspect that the CADDYPATH env variable is not set in whatever environment hook.service is causing Caddy to be run.

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