Help with Caddy, Plex and Cloudflare

Thank you very much! Everything seems to be working perfectly for that.

Now another question (that may require a new thread), I’m trying to do the same with the webui on QBittorrent that’s on another machine. So far I’ve been able to get it to work all the way up to receiving a 401 Unauthorized error. Strangely if I put the qbit directly next to the / then I get a page cannot be found (I’m guessing since it’s not on local machine like the other apps such as sonarr, radarr, etc.) but when I have it like this, I get the 401 unauthorized page. This led me to Reverse Proxy With QBittorrent Web UI - #2 by Whitestrake where I found the below sample that I modified for mine, but again it hasn’t really made it work. I’m toying with the idea that maybe there’s something I need to do on the qbit side but thought I’d check in here and kill two birds with one stone. Any assistance is welcome.

proxy / qbit {
        header_upstream X-Forwarded-Host {host}:8080
		header_upstream -Origin
		header_upstream -Referer