Handshake error using www

Hello, I get handshake errors and the site fails to load when trying to access my Website via www.matrixebiz.cc, http://matrixebiz.cc is fine. In my caddyfile I have;
matrixebiz.cc:80 {
root * /www/
matrixebiz.cc:443 {
root * /www/

Should I change this to *.matrixebiz.cc ?

Just add another site block:

www.matrixebiz.cc:80, www.matrixebiz.cc:443 {
    redir * https://matrixebiz.cc{uri}
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Okay, thanks I’ll give it a go.

You can also drop the port numbers :80 and :443:

matrixebiz.cc {
    root * /www/

www.matrixebiz.cc {
    redir https://matrixebiz.cc{uri}

That’s all you need.

When I have my caddyfile with just the single domain name I get constant scrolling of the bellow;

So I put in both ports specifically like above and that doesn’t happen.

Can you provide more details so we can reproduce the same errors?

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