Dynamically set reverse_proxy upstreams from custom module

Thanks Matt!

One of the challenges for service mesh/discoveries tools I find often is handling Ingress capabilities. A lot of these tools, in this case Consul, are great at providing an API and DNS server for internal discovery, but they lack a real integration with a web server for ingress (e.g. external domain name points to this internal service).

What the module I am working on does is resolve the domain name (using a caddyfile) from the Consul API to get the IP and ports the internal service is available and then reverse proxies the request - also adding some useful headers and etc. However, that service might be available on more than one IP/port assignment. So the httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy does not really seem ideal although I could implement by own mini load balancer but that does not seem like a smart idea.

I just found this page with the Module Namespaces and I’m guessing that I should focus on implementing http.reverse_proxy.transport?

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