Conflicting log directives, what happens?

not that I would do this but just asking, if I have {
    log requests.log {
	rotate_size 50  # Rotate after 50 MB
	rotate_age  90  # Keep rotated files for 90 days
	rotate_keep 20  # Keep at most 20 log files
	rotate_compress # Compress rotated log files in gzip format

and {
   log requests.log {
	rotate_size 25  # Rotate after 50 MB
	rotate_age  10  # Keep rotated files for 90 days
	rotate_keep 5  # Keep at most 20 log files
} has different log settings than though they both point to the same file.

What happens?

Good question. The first one will be used. :slight_smile: See logger.go and roller.go (the GetLogWriter function ensures that rollers don’t stop on each others’ toes)

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