Commands won't run in filemanager plugin

Hi there,

i just tested a bit around with the file manager plugin for caddy.
It looks like i miss something, write access works but no command wanna run.

        basicauth /user user secret

        filemanager /user {
                show            /home/mh-users/user
                allow_new       true
                allow_edit      true
                allow_command   rm
                allow_command   git
                allow_command   mv

On any command, it just shows the loading icon but does nothing - also no log entry about.

Since this affects the plugin, i decided to post in te plugins category and hope it’s not wrong. :cat2:

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Hello @tchncs!

Did you download from or built from source? If it was the first, I’ve already pushed some fixes that aren’t available for download just yet, but I hope they’ll soon be available. In the meantime, if you really want to try, you can build caddy from source with filemanager plugin.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:
Have a nice weekend!

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Hi there!

I am sadly failing to add the plugins when trying to build from source.
no action found for directive 'filemanager' with server type 'http' (missing a plugin?)
I ran got get for each plugin and compiled the filemanager with its dependencies.
Looks like i have to wait. :frowning:

[details=previous_answer]I used the script in the past but after your post, i cloned caddy (master), ran go build into caddy/caddy and copied the binary in my gopath over the binary in /usr/local/bin.
After that, i simply restarted caddy.

Sadly i do not notice any difference. :([/details]

Also a nice weekend to you. :slight_smile:


It works after generating from the official curl script again! :tada: