Cloudflare connection timed out

Are you sure? I managed to connect (see above), it just produced an SSL error because you don’t have a valid certificate yet:

Does work, though? I can’t connect at all on port 80 to any of your subdomains at that IP address, for example.

There’s a point of order here that should be established regarding terminology.

Forwarding here effectively means accepting packets and sending them onwards to their next destination. Saying that Caddy and/or Traefik forward HTTP to HTTPS isn’t accurate, because it would imply that they… accept insecure HTTP connections and simply do HTTPS… to themselves? There is no benefit. The point of HTTPS is to secure the connection between the client and the server, not to accept insecure access from the client.

What both applications do under default configuration is accept HTTP requests and respond with a HTTP->S redirect, instructing the client, essentially, “leave and come back at the HTTPS port and we’ll talk”.

That said, no server exists on planet Earth which can do either of these things if port 80 is not open.

I can see that you’ve designated port 80 in your Docker Compose file as well, so there shouldn’t be any changes necessary there.

Next thing to check is your network edge; do you have a router with port forwarding of some kind?

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I was getting the ssl handshake error last night =O

haha, I didn’t realize it was because we were using the staging server and not real LE cert.

I am running OPNsense here at my house and I can fwd port 80 to my linux box that hosts all of this.

I’ll fwd TCP and UDP.

Should I do anything else?

dunnn dunnn duhhhh – plot thickens.

I already have port 80 fwded to my box, and of course, 443.

But it’s thick as molasses already! :weary:

Can you curl -H "" localhost from your Linux box?

says ‘no url specificed’ when i run that command

You forgot the localhost part

Ok i’m not really sure what I’m doing with this command.

I copy and pasted yours and tried instering localhost instead of Host and the internal IP address of my linuxbox instead of Host and both gave me the ‘no url specified error’

It needs to be the full command:

curl -H "" localhost

This is the same as curl localhost (which just makes a command line HTTP request to localhost, shorthand for “this computer”); the goal is to confirm that the linux box itself is accepting port 80 requests and sending it to Caddy correctly.

The -H " flag just includes a header to tell Caddy - should we actually reach it - which website we’re asking for, since Caddy’s not configured to serve a website called localhost.

If this works, we know port 80 is fine locally and we can start expanding out from there to find out where packets are getting blocked. If it times out, we start maybe wondering if Docker has a problem.

rnaff@linuxbox:/docker/cloudflare$ curl -H “” localhost

pretty neat that it replied with word. Didn’t realize curl was this hip?

That’s a good result. It connected and a server replied. (Word up)

Try again with a slightly modified command for me?

curl -ILH “” localhost

curl is so gangster.

rnaff@linuxbox:/docker/cloudflare$ curl -ILH “” localhost
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request: invalid header name
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Connection: close

Certified 90s blud.

Well, in another twist in this thrilling murder mystery, this does not appear to be Caddy responding.

There is no Server: Caddy header, and Caddy doesn’t throw a hissy fit at a header like

Here’s what this should like on a box with Caddy in Docker responding on port 80:

whitestrake in /opt/docker at athena is 🐳 v20.10.17
➜ curl -IH "" localhost
HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect
Connection: close
Server: Caddy
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 05:05:54 GMT

So we’ve got at least two problems right now:

  1. Caddy isn’t responding on port 80 - something else is?
  2. We still haven’t figured out where along the request chain the timeout happens

Do you have another linux box on the LAN you could run another curl command from? Try:

curl -ILH "" [IP address of your server running Caddy here]

ya, I ran it from proxmox’s shell:

oot@naffhouse:~# curl -ILH “”
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 5
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Etag: “rh35ze5”
Last-Modified: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 20:52:26 GMT
Server: Caddy
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 05:13:46 GMT


And just to clarify, you have Caddy in Docker on Ubuntu as a VM on Proxmox?

yessir, with opnsense running baremetal on diff mini serrver

Well, we can update our list of problems a little bit, at least.

  1. Caddy is responding on port 80 to requests over LAN (although something else appears to be responding to localhost requests??) - might not be a problem
  2. Somewhere between the internet and the LAN, packets for port 80 are still being dropped

OPNsense has some pretty good diagnostic tools, though.

Before we proceed in that direction, first, lets get one more curl, from Proxmox:

curl -ILH ""

ok here’s the output for your latest command request via prox:

root@naffhouse:~# curl -ILH “”
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 5
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Etag: “rh35ze5”
Last-Modified: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 20:52:26 GMT
Server: Caddy
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 05:30:02 GMT

That’s… ostensibly a good result! From this we can infer that OPNsense is working as expected (and that it is hairpinning NAT, too). :+1:

The reason I say ostensibly is that now we have to blame something beyond OPNsense for the lack of external port 80 access - which means the issue may be beyond your ability to easily rectify yourself.

The first culprit I usually find in these situations is the ISP. Are you on a residential service? Could your ISP be blocking port 80?

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Morning Matt,

Yes, I’m residential.

I’ve been self hosting many services for over a year though.

I can get to * for many different purposes outside of my local network – on the world wide web.

so is it necessary to use a subdomain to beat my isp block on port 80? that doesn’t even make sense to me as I write this.

Indeed, there’s absolutely no reason having port 80 blocked would prevent you from hosting services for the last year!

Caddy can also solve TLS-ALPN challenges that require only HTTPS on port 443 (i.e. 80 can be ignored/disabled).

The problem is, this requires a direct connection to Caddy itself as the challenge is “solved” during the TLS handshake. Putting something like Cloudflare in the way means that LetsEncrypt isn’t talking to Caddy, it’s talking to Cloudflare (which is then talking to Caddy), breaking TLS-ALPN challenges and leaving you with only HTTP challenges as a viable option to requisition certificates.

Your other subdomains (except for jellyfin?) are not proxied by Cloudflare (see the * record is DNS only) and so the HTTP challenge works for these.

So with Cloudflare in the way blocking TLS-ALPN, and your ISP in the way blocking HTTP, you’ve got no validation methods left by default.

I can too - but not on HTTP only:

I’ll note that some browsers like Firefox automatically try HTTPS if they can, so having a service unavailable on port 80 might have been a completely transparent/non-issue for you.

Your options are:

  1. Enable DNS validation by installing the Cloudflare DNS provider module, or;
  2. Fix TLS-ALPN validation by removing the Cloudflare proxy (grey-cloud all services), or;
  3. Fix HTTP validation by calling your ISP and getting port 80 unblocked, or;
  4. Use Cloudflare tunnels.
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