Client certificate on subdomain ends up counting for all domains

Hi there.

I have a Caddyfile like this: {
        proxy / localhost:5551 {
        root /opt/somefolder                                                                          
        log stdout
        errors stderr

And this works. And I should be able to add another subdomain here, or another domain entirely.

If I append { 
                proxy / localhost:5551 {
                tls /etc/ssl/caddy/ /etc/ssl/caddy/ {

to my Caddyfile, that should just point to the same proxy, and serve the same website, using my own certificate.

That does not work, and tells me there is no such site on :80, or no such site at :443.
Specify I can get it to work, but it still complains about :80.

Am I doing something wrong?

The issue I came here to ask about was that if I specify a client certificate CA there, like so:

            tls /etc/ssl/caddy/ /etc/ssl/caddy/ {
               clients /etc/ssl/caddy/ca-chain.key.pem

It will successfully require a client certificate, like expected, but it does so for all the domains, even outside that block, i.e in this example it would also require a client side certificate for

Hi @flexd, welcome to the Caddy community.

The reason for this is that Caddy will be serving the site on :2015. This is the default port, and any site that isn’t eligible for Automatic HTTPS is served here unless you specify a different port (as you have implicitly with https://). From the docs:

Caddy automatically enables HTTPS for all your sites, given that some reasonable criteria are met:

  • […]
  • Certificates and keys are not provided by you

Since Automatic HTTPS handles certificate management, defines the ports for a site to be served on, and sets up HTTP->S redirection, you’ll need to take care of those things yourself, e.g.: {
  redir /{uri}
} {
  proxy / localhost:5551 {
  tls /etc/ssl/caddy/ /etc/ssl/caddy/ {
    clients /etc/ssl/caddy/ca-chain.key.pem

One thing that you might consider useful is that at startup, Caddy will print a list of all the sites it’s serving, to stdout as well as wherever you point the -log flag. It would have printed

Okay, that is weird. Why would the Let’s Encrypt automatic TLS take care of all that, but I specify the same option just for a manual certificate and it does not? That is very confusing.

It works now, but the last issue still remains: If I specify the client certificate it now demands a client certificate from every domain in my Caddyfile, not just i.e visit with this active and it will require a client certificate there too. (this is not active on the website currently, for obvious reasons :))

Sometimes we do observe some friction on this topic. It’s been raised before, here and in the Github issues.

I believe the reason is that Caddy is effectively designed with three main use cases in mind:

  1. Local web devs who want an instant, zero configuration web server
    (i.e. change a file; run caddy browse inside public_html; browse to localhost:2015)
  2. System Administrators who know what they’re doing and want fine-grained control
  3. Users who want their front-facing site security completely taken care of

Making assumptions (such as port to listen on, or automatic redirections) is bad for use cases 1 and 2. If you qualify for use case 3 (that is, if your site is eligible for Automatic HTTPS), that’s when these critical assumptions start kicking in as a take-it-or-leave-it sort of configuration package:

  • You want your site to be available via HTTP on port 80 and HTTPS on port 443
  • You want requests via HTTP be redirected to HTTPS
  • You want Caddy to provision a domain-validated certificate from LetsEncrypt

This seems to be the expected behaviour. From the tls documentation, emphasis mine:

  • clients is a list of space-separated client root CAs used for verification during TLS client authentication. […] Note that this setting applies to the entire listener, not just a single site.

It’s not confusing; if you disable automatic HTTPS then the automatic HTTPS features don’t happen. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The client certificate configuration is applied on a per-listener basis, not per-site. There’s an open issue to expand client certificate capabilities, made available only in recent Go versions.

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