Can't find UUID in /home/caddy/.caddy

I’am try to get some telemetry informations about my caddy server.
But i can’t find the UUID in /home/caddy/.caddy

In this folder i only have “acme” ,“locks” and “ocsp”

It’s a fresh install from today. Can you help me :blush: ?

Hi @leveloute, welcome to the Caddy community.

How did you install Caddy, and what does it output when you run it?

Hi @Whitestrake,
I install caddy with like this ( on ubuntu 18.04 ) :

sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin curl -y
sudo -u caddy curl -fsSL  | bash -s personal "http.git,http.upload"
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/local/bin/caddy
runuser -l caddy -c "mkdir log"
mkdir /var/www
runuser -l caddy -c "mkdir log/"
mkdir /var/www/

Here is the output ( journalctl -u caddy ) :

Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost systemd[1]: Started Caddy - The HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS.
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: Activating privacy features… done.
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]:
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]:
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]:
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]:
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: https:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: https:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: https:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: https:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: http:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: http:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: http:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: http:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: http:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: http:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: http:/
Feb 26 16:41:29 localhost caddy[24645]: http:/

(i delete the / of the urls to avoid new user link limitation)

Thank you by advance.


When you install via the bash script, telemetry is disabled by default (as it downloads the binary from the official website).

# To enable telemetry, export CADDY_TELEMETRY=on.

Ensure the variable is exported before you run the script to download Caddy.

So there is no way to enable it on a running caddy, without returning from sratch ?

No, not possible.
(Although I am not sure what is actually included in the downloaded binaries, if they contain code close to the the public source code then it appears to be not possible.)

Telemetry is included in the binary or not, using a compile time flag. So you either have a binary with or else without telemetery. You can not switch it on or off at runtime, or even with restarting the binary.

In order to have telemetry in the binary, as @Whitestrake says you have to make sure to set CADDY_TELEMETRY before download, so you receive the right binary.

If you have a binary with telemetry enabled, you will see something like this appearing in the logs :
[NOTICE] Sending telemetry:

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