Caddy keeps redirecting to root URL?

By the way, usually rewriting to an index file as you’re doing is a red flag, since Caddy enforces canonical URLs (/index.php == /) – thus, you should not rewrite to a path that will return a redirect (index.*); instead, rewrite to /.

HI Matt,

you’ve lost me… this was in my earlier posts? Can you be more specific so I can understand?


To clarify, your rewrite from earlier (that I advised you remove entirely and leave the routing/rewriting to the upstream proxy target):

rewrite {
    if {path} not_match ^\/wp-admin
    to {path} {path}/ /index.php?{query}

See how the fallback target is /index.php?{query}?

The canonical way to make that request is just /?{query}, because the index file is already given for a request for the directory.

If Caddy’s static fileserver component is given the chance to fulfill the request, it will issue a permanent redirect to the proper style of index request. It won’t get the chance, because proxy and fastcgi both send the request upstream before the static fileserver does anything - but it’s still not technically correct.

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