Caddy in a shared hosting environment?

I’m using Webfaction (semi-shared) hosting which uses Nginx (as reverse-proxy), but it is allowed to e.g. build one’s own server to work behind it - I did use Cherokee/Hiawatha in the past for serving my own Django/PHP-powered sites or to simply depend on the system-wise instance of Apache2 server…

Now, I’m moving fully to Hugo and wonder whether you would recommend to build and use Caddy to work behind reverse-proxy to serve Hugo site instead of depending on Apache2?

Considering that I also use Piwik, what do you think to re-configure my current setup and use Caddy to serve that PHP-powered site as well?

Main consideration of potential migration to Caddy is, of course, less memory used by Caddy in comparison with Apache2 and possible performance improvements?

I’m aware that running my own VPS would enable me to put Caddy at the front, but after having experience with VPSes (mostly Linode), I did revert back to Webfaction since its hosting does free me from the headaches of maintaining my own system consisting of several servers including one for email…

Edit: Forgot to mention that one of the main motives to use Caddy is to be able to use caddy-hugo - ability to allow not-so-savvy users to contribute content for non-profit web site by providing web interface for the Hugo-generated web site.