Caddy 2.1.1 catch-all doesn't work anymore

1. Caddy version (caddy version):


2. How I run Caddy:

a. System environment:

Amazon Linux 2

b. Command:

service caddy start


ExecStart=/usr/bin/caddy run --environ --config /etc/caddy/config.json
ExecReload=/usr/bin/caddy reload --config /etc/caddy/config.json


c. Service/unit/compose file:

./xcaddy build --with --with

d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:

	"admin": {
		"disabled": false,
		"listen": "",
		"config": {
			"persist": true
	"logging": {
		"sink": {
			"writer": {
			"output": "file",
			"filename": "/tmp/caddy-Go.log"
		"logs": {
			"default": {
				"writer": {
					"output": "file",
					"filename": "/tmp/caddy-tmp.log"
				"encoder": {
					"format": "json"
				"level": "WARN"
    "storage": {
		"address": "",
		"aes_key": "redistls-01234567890-caddytls-32",
		"db": 1,
		"host": "",
		"key_prefix": "caddytls",
		"module": "redis",
		"password": "",
		"port": "6379",
		"timeout": 5,
		"tls_enabled": false,
		"tls_insecure": true,
		"value_prefix": "caddy-storage-redis"
	"apps": {
		"tls": {
			"automation": {
				"policies": [{
					"subjects": ["*"],
					"issuer": {
						"module": "acme",
						"email": "",
						"challenges": {
							"dns": {
								"provider": {
									"name": "cloudflare",
									"api_token": "xxx"
					"on_demand": false
					"issuer": {
						"module": "acme",
						"email": ""
					"on_demand": true
				"on_demand": {
					"rate_limit": {
						"interval": "5m",
						"burst": 100
					"ask": ""
		"http": {
			"http_port": 80,
			"https_port": 443,
			"servers": {
				"tiendas": {
					"listen": [":80",":443"],
					"max_header_bytes": 41943040,
					"routes": [{
                        "match": [{
                            "host": [""]
                        "handle": [{
                            "handler": "encode",
                            "encodings": {
                                "gzip": {},
                                "zstd": {}
                            "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                            "upstreams": [{
                                "dial": ""
                        "match": [{
                                "host": [""]
                        "handle": [{
                                "handler": "encode",
                                "encodings": {
                                    "gzip": {},
                                    "zstd": {}
                                "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                                "upstreams": [{
                                        "dial": ""
                        "match": [{
                                "host": [""]
                        "handle": [{
                            "handler": "encode",
                            "encodings": {
                                "gzip": {},
                                "zstd": {}
                            "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                            "upstreams": [{
                                    "dial": ""
                        "group": "grupo1",
                        "match": [{
                            "host": [""]
                        "handle": [{
                            "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                            "transport": {
                                "protocol": "fastcgi",
                                "root": "/var/www/html/"
                            "upstreams": [{
                                "dial": "unix//var/run/php.sock"
                        "terminal": true
                        "group": "grupo1",
                        "match": [{
                            "host": ["*"]
                        "handle": [{
                            "handler": "encode",
                            "encodings": {
                            "gzip": {},
                            "zstd": {}
                            "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                            "upstreams": [{
                                "dial": ""
                        "terminal": true
                        "group": "grupo1",
                        "handle": [{
                            "handler": "encode",
                            "encodings": {
                            "gzip": {},
                            "zstd": {}
                            "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                            "upstreams": [{
                                "dial": ""
                        "terminal": true

3. The problem I’m having:

catch-all route previously worked in caddy 2.0.0 and now doesn`t.

4. Error messages and/or full log output:

2020/07/13 13:44:27 http: TLS handshake error from EOF

5. What I already tried:

I tried changing the route block from :

                        "group": "grupo1",
                        "handle": [{
                            "handler": "encode",
                            "encodings": {
                            "gzip": {},
                            "zstd": {}
                            "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                            "upstreams": [{
                                "dial": ""
                        "terminal": true


                        "group": "grupo1",
                        "match": [{
                            "host": ["*"]
                        "handle": [{
                            "handler": "encode",
                            "encodings": {
                            "gzip": {},
                            "zstd": {}
                            "handler": "reverse_proxy",
                            "upstreams": [{
                                "dial": ""
                        "terminal": true

Neither way works :hot_face:

6. Links to relevant resources:

@francislavoie @matt I dont find in the new docs how to do this in 2.1.1 can you give me hand with this please?

Can you start by explaining what “Doesn’t work” means, please? That’s like me saying “It works for me”… but that’s obviously not helpful. :slight_smile:

Sure @matt thanks ! Im getting this error and a blank page.

This is my caddy-Go log file :hot_face:

2020/07/13 13:43:16 [INFO] Obtaining new certificate for
2020/07/13 13:43:16 [INFO][] Obtain certificate; acquiring lock...
2020/07/13 13:43:16 [INFO][] Obtain: Lock acquired; proceeding...
2020/07/13 13:43:16 [INFO][] Waiting on rate limiter...
2020/07/13 13:43:16 [INFO][] Done waiting
2020/07/13 13:43:17 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
2020/07/13 13:43:18 [INFO][] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)
2020/07/13 13:43:18 [INFO][] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)
2020/07/13 13:43:18 [INFO][] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)
2020/07/13 13:43:18 [INFO][] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)
2020/07/13 13:43:27 [INFO][] Certificate obtained successfully
2020/07/13 13:43:27 [INFO][] Obtain: Releasing lock
2020/07/13 13:44:26 [INFO] Obtaining new certificate for
2020/07/13 13:44:26 [INFO][] Obtain certificate; acquiring lock...
2020/07/13 13:44:26 [INFO][] Obtain: Lock acquired; proceeding...
2020/07/13 13:44:26 [INFO][] Waiting on rate limiter...
2020/07/13 13:44:26 [INFO][] Done waiting
2020/07/13 13:44:27 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
2020/07/13 13:44:27 [INFO][] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)
2020/07/13 13:44:27 [INFO][] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)
2020/07/13 13:44:27 [INFO][] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)
2020/07/13 13:44:27 [INFO][] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)
2020/07/13 13:44:30 [INFO][] Certificate obtained successfully
2020/07/13 13:44:30 [INFO][] Obtain: Releasing lock

Im getting this error just for domains (the last route rule). My subdomains and wildcard subdomains are working as expected.

What is the request you’re making (show us a curl command for example)?

I’m just making a GET to the url of a domain pointing to my caddy server 2.1.1

Is there any way to make a more verbose log to find out what is going on?

How can I know for sure if the request is executing this last route or not ?

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