Attempting to reverse proxy to a folder w/ Caddy 2

1. Caddy version (caddy version):

v2.0.0 h1:pQSaIJGFluFvu8KDGDODV8u4/QRED/OPyIR+MWYYse8=

2. How I run Caddy:

a. System environment:

Linux rproxy01 4.15.0-55-generic #60-Ubuntu(18.04) SMP Tue Jul 2 18:22:20 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Relevant portion of Caddyfile: {
    import dns
    reverse_proxy {
        to                <---Line 19 is this line
        import transparent

Error output:

root@rproxy01:/etc/caddy# /usr/bin/caddy run --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile

    2020/05/07 06:44:33.309 INFO    using provided configuration    {"config_file": "/etc/caddy/Caddyfile", "config_adapter": ""}
    run: adapting config using caddyfile: parsing caddyfile tokens for 'reverse_proxy': /etc/caddy/Caddyfile:19 - Error during parsing: for now, URLs for proxy upstreams only support scheme, host, and port components

Basically what I’m trying to do is when a user goes to the website, they reach the page internally /dps

I can remove the https:// and the /dps and it’ll work just fine, but when I include both, it gives that error.

Read the error in detail:

It’s telling you that you can’t have a reverse proxy upstream to a subfolder. You may only specify a scheme (e.g. https://), a host (e.g., and a port (e.g. :8080). Trying to proxy to a subfolder implies a rewrite, which reverse_proxy doesn’t handle.

Instead of defining an upstream with a URI, manipulate the URI yourself before sending it upstream, e.g.

  # Prepend '/dps'
  rewrite /dps{uri}

  # Send upstream
  reverse_proxy https://upstream
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Similar problem here, so I’m replying on this thread

need to reverse proxy to an SSL API subdomain so like:

exact same issue than trying to point to a folder
and I get the exact same error

Error during parsing: for now, URLs for proxy upstreams only support scheme, host, and port components

I don’t exactly get how rewrite works in this case

Just gotta take the URI and prepend it to the request URI before proxying.

rewrite /v1/endpointA{uri}

thanks @Whitestrake guess it worked because now I’m battling with Cloudflare 403…not sure all the fields are correctly set, because instead of a forbidden I think I should be getting a captcha, which btw still would be an issue… {
rewrite /v1/inventory
reverse_proxy {
        header_up Host {}
        header_up X-Real-IP {http.request.remote}
        header_up X-Forwarded-For {http.request.remote}
        header_up X-Forwarded-Port {http.request.port}
        header_up X-Forwarded-Proto {http.request.scheme}
        header_up Authorization Basic mybase64secret:key
        transport http { tls }


Help really appreciated!
I started using caddy some weeks ago because I thought it was amazingly straight forward. I think that as documentation with examples on how to “build” with caddy are put on the site, this will really be the most user friendly think out there

This probably ain’t workin’. Check the syntax:

header_up [+|-]<field> [<value|regexp> [<replacement>]]

reverse_proxy (Caddyfile directive) — Caddy Documentation

So it’s taking the Authorization request header, looking for instances of Basic and replacing them with mybase64secret:key before passing them forward. This is, predictably, probably what’s breaking your authentication.

Instead, put your header data in quotes so it’s parsed as a single token.

header_up Authorization "Basic mybase64secret:key"

P.S. Since this effectively permanently bypasses a security mechanism, I do hope you’ve got some kind of access control or security on the site you’re serving with Caddy!

P.S.S. There’s also a bunch of headers in there that don’t need to be:

By default, Caddy passes thru incoming headers to the backend—including the Host header—without modifications, with two exceptions:

reverse_proxy (Caddyfile directive) — Caddy Documentation

And you don’t need transport http { tls }, the whole block is implicit by the upstream.

  • tls uses HTTPS with the backend. This will be enabled automatically if you specify backends using the https:// scheme or port :443 .

reverse_proxy (Caddyfile directive) — Caddy Documentation


mmm still stuck at the 403- Forbidden screen at cloudflare, so I’m not sure redirect its working fine. Accessing directly to the end api via postman with http auth secret:token works fine.

About security yes, not a big deal, since I’m only pointing to an endpoint, user would not be able to auth to the rest of the api.

Now removed. Btw something a bit surprising:

adapt: parsing caddyfile tokens for 'reverse_proxy': Caddyfile:24 - Error during parsing: upstream address scheme is HTTP but transport is configured for HTTP+TLS (HTTPS)

Removed those headers too

Right, has total sense

Still not sure there is a clear way forward :sweat_smile:

Naturally - the two conflict. HTTPS is literally HTTP over TLS. Can’t have HTTP (i.e. no TLS) with transport over TLS, that’s just HTTPS. :smiley:

To explain a little bit - having to specify tls via the transport subdirective used to be necessary for a HTTPS upstream. Earlier on in the piece, Caddy v2 did not allow you to specify the scheme at all in the upstream. It was just a hostname and port. Now it also accepts scheme and from it, implies the transport. The tls option there is… well, not quite vestigial, because you could still specify upstream and then specify HTTP transport over TLS to say it’s HTTPS. But why, when you could just specify :thinking:

What’s the latest full Caddyfile?

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Here it is, getting thinner… {
rewrite /v1/inventory
reverse_proxy {
        header_up Host {}
        header_up X-Real-IP {http.request.remote}
        header_up Authorization Basic mybase64secret:key

Guess might have use cases I’m even not aware of. Isn’t for https://host:port already supported?

Did you try with header_up Authorization "Basic mybase64secret:key" (note the quote marks)?

Yes, exactly. I don’t think I’d ever need to bother to specify TLS transport again, myself!

It’s still needed if you’re proxying to a unix socket, cause you can’t put https:// in front. Probably in some other situations as well.


Ahh, there it is! Knew there’d be something.

Well, I wake up and I see 11 replies in the thread. Well then haha.

I’m going to attempt the rewrite now.


I guess reverse proxies are quite popular nowadays :slight_smile:

@Whitestrake Yes, ops I see I forgot them when copying many thanks for the help provided. I think I will continue other days to see if I finally come up with a solution. For now I’m a bit stuck…

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