Adresses with uppercase path does not work

We try to setup a simple Caddyfile with two static paths/addresses - but the uppercase does not work.

:80/Transfer/ , :80/download/ {

	tls off

	timeouts {
	    read  30m 
	    write 30m
	    idle  30m

	root /share	

:80/Transfer is registered at /transfer and dont response on /Transfer/

Latest Caddy installed with docker image.

Caddy paths are case-sensitive. Check this environment variable (scroll to the bottom):

no, this does not resolve the problem. /Transfer is resolved to /transfer


2017/03/15 15:06:29 http:///transfer/

Interesting… that might be a bug then. Can you file an issue please so we don’t forget about it?

It shouldn’t be too hard to fix. :slight_smile:

Did the ENV-Var works also for adresses or only for path inside the host definition?

It might be only for paths in a URI, not site addresses that contain a path. I think that’s probably the bug, since I would expect a case-insensitive path in any site address too.

i change the file, that the addresses inside the root hosts splitted. This resolves the problem.

:80 {
tls off

timeouts {
    read  30m 
    write 30m
    idle  30m

gzip {
	ext .js .html .htm .css *

proxy / buuild:8081 buuild:8080 {
	except /Transfer /download

root /share	


That’s good! But I still think it’s a bug. :rolling_eyes:

Great! Thank you!!

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